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Dual-drive custom FD360 Cabinet
with Pertec FD400 Drives

The FD360 drive cabinet has been serviced and tested and works with the included Altair disk controller pair. The drive cabinet also works with the FDC+ controller (not included).

The white bezel & door indicate a Pertec FD4x0 DC Drive. The FD400 is an appropriate drive for a MITS system or an iCOM FD360.
The drives are interchangable with drives used in MITS Single-drive cabinets.

This FD360 cabinet replaces the iCOM controller boards with the new Altair buffer boards The new boards have large heat sink. The heat sink and power supply components are not installed because the S-171 modular power supply is used.

The iCOM FD360 cabinet introduces the modular power supply concept to Altair design. The S-171 power in the iCOM FD360 cabinet is more reliable than the MITS single-deive cabinet.

The Custom FD360 dual-drive cabinet is prototype/concept design for the MITS/Pertec 3202 dual-drive cabinet. The FD360 cabinet is unique because of the vertical drive arrangement and S-171 modular power supply.

Tom Durston's Disk Controller pair was tested and works with a MIT Single-Drive Cabinet (not included) and a MITS/Pertec 3202 Dual-Drive Cabinet (not included).

Drive Cabinet Back

The blue connector allows additional drives to be daisy-chained.

An external Flat Ribbon cable connects the drive cabinet to Altair back panel. The back panel connector connects to the controller board pair using an internal cable.

Pertec FD400 Drives

White is the original FD400 plastic color. Most FD400 drives turn yellow over time. White plastic indicates a DC drive.

Both Pertec FD400 drives have been aligned and serviced.

FD400, FD5xx Drive Manual.pdf

The drive cabinet has been serviced and tested and works with the included disk controller pair. The drive cabinet also works with the FDC+ controller (not included). The drives are the same drives used in MITS Single drive cabinets.

Newest MITS Drive Buffer Boards from MITS Single-Drive Cabinet

Power supply components not installed because modular power supply was used.

Small Paddle Boards connect to the FD400 Drives

Drive Paddle Board (rear)

Drive Paddle Board (front)

iCOM FD360 drive cabinet fan

Floppy Drive support bracket and S-171 Modular Power Supply

Altair Floppy Disk by Tom Durston
Computer Notes/July, 1975

Internal Mainframe Cable Connections

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